Cyber Risk: A Guide to Risk Management
An organization that understands its cyber risks is better prepared to make informed cyber security decisions.
Organizations lacking cyber security controls, awareness and training can lose everything from an attack. Learning how to prevent these attacks is always cheaper than handling damage control. LastLine Cyber helps companies protect themselves starting with the last line of cyber defense: your employees.
We’re Josh and Jake Pribanic, the brothers behind LastLine Cyber. We understand how difficult managing IT and cyber security can be, especially for small to mid-sized organizations.
Our methodology cuts through that fog to make things understandable.
Delivering the most up-to-date awareness strategies and content.
The only true way to test the security of your organization.
Entertaining lessons that stick, in an understandable format.
One of the first steps in creating a security aware culture.
Understand your risks and protect your assets.
Understand your risks and protect your assets.
Uncover, prioritize, and fix cyber security exploits.
Test your employee's phishing detection skills. Improve cyber awareness.
Align cyber strategy to world renown best practices.
Executives and managers can rest easy, knowing everyone is trained and aware. IT can focus on improving systems instead of damage control.
With trained employees protecting your data, and a sustainable cyber strategy, attackers won't stand a chance.
Keep security top of mind in your organization through ongoing awareness. Maintain secure systems with penetration testing and vulnerability scanning.
An organization that understands its cyber risks is better prepared to make informed cyber security decisions.
What is a cyber security risk assessment? Do we need to conduct one? Find the answers to those frequently asked questions in this article!
Cyber security trends move and alter at a breakneck pace. By the time you catch up with the latest cyber security trends, it may be old news.
October is Cyber Security Awareness Month! Learn what that means for protecting yourself and your organization from cyber threats!