Cyber Security Awareness Programs

An awareness program is internal marketing built to engage EVERYONE with your cyber security strategy and policies.

It gets people on board with why cyber security training is important.

It helps communicate cyber security policies and startconversations around why cyber security matters.

Why do we need cyber security awareness programs?

$2.9 Million is lost to cyber-crime each minute. Training alone isn’t enough to prevent the growing number of cyber-attacks happening every day. True prevention begins with pervasive cyber security awareness.

Learn how to proactively identify and neutralize threats to your organization. Our team will work with you to create a customized cyber security awareness program. We help develop and deliver the content, built off our own proven methodology, so you can focus on running your business. 

What's included in the program?

Baseline Organizational Awareness Assessment

Customized Instructor-Led Awareness Forums

Unlimited Access To Our Experts

Thought-Provoking Experiential Exercises

Informative Content Delivery Via Email

Phishing Simulations

Physical Security Simulations

Curated Company Specific Knowledge Base

Easy-to-Understand Reporting

Security Policy Signage

Constructive Feedback for Offenders

Custom Branded Cyber Security Awareness Posters